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UCSB-MPG Program for International Exchange in Materials Science

The University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and the Max Planck Society (MPG) provide funding to support research exchange visits between materials scientists from UCSB and the MPG. The coordinators of this program are Tresa Pollock at UCSB and Matthias Scheffler at the MPG. UCSB faculty members with new or existing MPG collaborations can use this funding to send a researcher/postdoc/graduate student from their lab. to a Max Planck Institute. UCSB will cover travel expenses and MPG will cover the local expenses in Germany.

To apply for funding, UCSB faculty members should send a brief email to Tresa Pollock with the following information:

  • The name of the scientist
  • A short description of the project
  • The name of the collaborators at MPG
  • The expected duration of the visit

A description of this program can also be found at the MPG Website.

The ICMR Director, Tresa Pollock (805 893-3810, pollock@engineering.ucsb.edu) or Program Coordinator marisol@icmr.ucsb.edu) will be pleased to discuss any ideas or questions.

Please acknowledge us as follows in papers which emerge from collaborations sponsored by the program:

This work was partially supported by the IMI Program of the National Science Foundation under Award No. DMR 0843934, and the UCSB-MPG Program for International Exchange in Materials Science.


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