Summer School on Materials Modeling from First-Principles: Theory and Practice
DATES: July 19-August 1, 2009
LOCATION: University of California, Santa Barbara
A summer school on Materials Modeling from First Principles: Theory and Practice will be held at the International Center for Materials Research in Santa Barbara from July 19 to August 1 2009. The school will combine morning lectures with afternoon hands-on sessions, mainly based on the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution of open-source codes. Evening keynote lectures will be delivered by some of the leading researchers in the field, including R. Car, W. Kohn (to be confirmed), S. Louie (to be confirmed), R. Martin, M. Scheffler, and N. Spaldin.
The school is targeted at graduate students, postdocs, and senior researchers who would like to gain experience in materials modeling using state-of-the-art approaches based on density-functional theory.
The school will cover basic concepts and recent advances and developments. The former include ground-state calculations for isolated molecules and extended systems, pseudopotential theory and plane-wave basis sets, forces, stresses, and geometry and reaction-path optimizations, linear-response theory and phonons, and ab-initio molecular dynamics. Advanced techniques will include first-principles vibrational (IR, Raman) and magnetic (EPR, NMR) spectroscopies, electron-phonon and phonon-phonon interactions, excited states (TDDFT and GW), DFT+U and non-collinear magnetism, Wannier functions and quantum transport.
The syllabus of the school as well as more details about the program are available here.
How to Apply:
NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS We invite applications from graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty world-wide for the School and for travel fellowship awards. Lodging and meals will be provided and there is no registration fee for this program.
Application Deadline:
The deadline to submit an application is March 15, 2009 for applicants coming from outside of the US and by April 15, 2009 for applicants based in the US. All applications will be acknowledged by email.
For further details, please contact the ICMR Program Coordinator, Jennifer Ybarra, at |