Workshop on Frontiers in Complex Oxides
The International Center for Materials Research (ICMR) at UC Santa Barbara announces a workshop on Frontiers in Complex Oxides, which will take place at UC Santa Barbara from July 7 - 11, 2008. The goal of the workshop is to bring together leading experts and junior researchers to define the grand challenges in Complex Oxides research, and explore collaborative routes to addressing them.
The workshop is the first event of a 6 month Research Program in Complex Oxides which will include a school -- Multiferroics and Beyond -- from July 21 to August 2, 2008 at UCSB, followed by sponsored international exchanges from July to December 2008, to allow researchers to pursue collaborative Complex Oxides projects in laboratories that are not in their home country. For more information on the Research Program visit the program website: Oxides Program Website.
Confirmed Invited Speakers for the July workshop:
Masaki Azuma, Kyoto U
Charge and Orbital Orderings in Some New Oxides
Agnes Barthelmey, Thales, France
Oxide heterostructures for spintronics
Elbio Dagotto, U Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab
Recent computational results for models of strongly correlated electrons
Regina Dittmann, Julich
Resistive switching in complex oxides
Josep Fontcuberta, Barcelona
Phase separation in (001) and (110) La_2/3 Ca_1/3 MnO_3 epitaxial thin films
Larry Halliburton, West Virginia University
Use of Photoinduced Electron Paramagnetic Resonance to Investigate Donors and Acceptors in ZnO
Maarit Karppinen, Helsinki U of Technology
New-material synthesis and surface engineering by atomic layer deposition
Masahi Kawasaki, Tohoku
ZnO-based heterostructures
David Keeble, U Dundee
Point Defect Characterisation in Perovskite Oxides
Daniel Khomskii, U Koln
Spontaneous currents and polarization in Mott insulators: are electrons really localized?
Herb Kroemer, UC Santa Barbara
A look across the fence: Interface issues in conventional semiconductors
David Look, Wright Patterson
Conduction in ZnO and other oxides: defects vs impurities
Jochen Mannhart, Augsburg
2-DEGs in Oxide Heterostructures
Matt McCluskey, Washington State U
Hydrogen in bulk and nanoscale zinc oxide
Maxim Mostovoy, U of Groningen
Magnetoelectric behavior of frustrated magnets
Stuart Parkin, IBM
Ferromagnetism in nitrogen doped magnesium oxide
Silvia Picozzi, INFN
First-principles approach to magnetically-induced ferroelectricity in manganites
Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, Calcutta
Fascinating World of Double Perovskites
Darrell Schlom, Penn State
A Thin Film Approach to Engineering Functionality into Oxides
Jacques Tchakalian, U Arkansas
Orbital reconstruction, covalent bonding and magnetism at an oxide interface
Yoshi Tokura, Tokyo U
Dynamical Magnetoelectric Effect in Oxide Multiferroics
Organizers of the July Workshop:
Beatriz Noheda, U Groningen
R. Ramesh, UC Berkeley
Art Ramirez, Bell Labs
Nicola Spaldin, UC Santa Barbara
Hidei Takagi, Tokyo U.
Click here to download a pdf version of the workshop schedule.
here is a $250 registration fee. UCSB participants are requried to pay registration if they are planning to take part in program meals. Registration will cover breaks, lunches, and conference materials. Pay registration fee here.
welcome reception (buffet dinner) and registration will be held on Sunday, July 6 from 6:00 - 8:00 at the Lagoon Plaza located at the UCSB University Center. We welcome all invited lectuers and participants to attend. Transportation from the Bestern Western and Santa Catalina Residence Hall will be provided beginning at 5:50.
oster boards are 6 feet wide by 4 feet high. Please check the schedule for the location and time of the poster sessions.
We will hold a workshop banquet on Wednesday, July 9 from 6:00 - 8:00 at the UCSB Faculty Club. The banquet is open to all invited lecturers and workshop participants. Transportation will be provided from the Faculty Club to the Best Western and the Santa Catalina Residence Hall after the banquet.
Breakfast each day will be in the dining commons for dorm dwellers or at the Best Western for hotel dwellers. Lunch will be served each day and dinner will be served Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are free evenings.
A block of rooms has been set aside for the use of our conference participants at The Best Western South Coast Inn in Goleta, California (about 2-1/2 miles from the UCSB Campus--transportation to/from UCSB/BWSCI will be provided. The hotel offers special rates to our participants of approx. $140 per night on weekdays and $165 per night on weekends (tax incl.), single or double. Contact them directly at 800/350-3614 or 805/967-3200) to make your own reservation. Mention the "Oxides" group to receive the special rate. Lodging must be reserved by June 13, 2008. After that date rooms MAY BE available to you on a space available basis at their regular rate. The Santa Barbara area has a large tourist population and it is imperative that you make your reservations early. For further information regarding Best Western South Coast Inn see directions below.
Please Note: If you are travelling from overseas and need to make a hotel reservation at the Best Western South Coast Inn, please e-mail Shelagh Erwin: Mention the group you will be with to be given your discount.
Directions to Best Western South Coast Inn, 5620 Calle Real in Goleta (SCI)
To reach the Best Western South Coast Inn (BWSCI), if you are travelling by air into S.B. Airport and arriving prior to 10 pm, simply use the courtesy phone in the terminal and call for BWSCI to pick you up. If you are travelling by S.B. Airbus and arriving prior to 10 pm, call BWSCI and they will send the shuttle to pick you up. If you are arriving later than 10 pm, call a taxi to deliver you to the BWSCI. (DO NOT USE A TAXI WAITING OUTSIDE THE AIRLINE TERMINAL. THEY CHARGE TOO MUCH. CALL A TAXI. Blue Dolphin Cab at 805-962-6886; Santa Barbara Yellow Cab at 805-965-5111). If you are driving from LAX, travel north on Freeway #405. Take the U.S. 101 exit north to Santa Barbara (a total trip of about 2 hours). Take the Patterson offramp and turn right onto Patterson Avenue and at the first stoplight turn left onto Calle Real. The BWSCI is on the right about 1 mile. If you are driving from San Francisco, use the U.S. 101 south to the Patterson Avenue offramp, turn left onto Patterson Avenue and at the stoplight turn left onto Calle Real. The BWSCI is on the right about 1 mile.
South Coast Inn can be reached at (800) 350-3614, from within the continental United States, or at (805) 967-3200. Their fax is (805) 683-4466. They offer high speed Internet access in all rooms, although it does require an Ethernet cord (available at the front desk for guest convenience). Wireless access is available in the lobby and pool area. They also offer a free continental breakfast each morning to guests.
For further details, please contact the ICMR Program Coordinator, Jennifer Ybarra, at